An Introduction to Mealtimes About Dr Kyla
I'm a paediatric dietitian, and I've been specialising in fussy eating for over a decade. In 2018 I launched Baby Mealtimes to help parents cut through the overwhelm of feeding babies. This was honestly one of the most rewarding times of my career. I decided to start Toddler Mealtimes soon after because I realised that parents of older children were filled with as much self-doubt as those with new babies.
In 2022 I launched School Mealtimes and Family Mealtimes to support school-aged children to become confident, adventurous eaters, who have a positive relationship with all foods and with their bodies. My team and I are working hard to bring parents, school teachers and health professionals together in a collaborative, evidence-based approach that ultimately benefits every kid!

If you've got a baby aged 4-12 months, you'll find Baby Mealtimes helpful.
Baby Mealtimes offers positive and practical support when introducing your baby to solid foods.
What you get
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If you've got a toddler aged 1-4 years, you'll find Toddler Mealtimes helpful.
Toddler Mealtimes offers practical support to help you feed your fussy toddler.
What you get

If you've got a school kid aged 4-11 years, you'll find Family Mealtimes helpful.
Family Mealtimes is here to help feed you feed your family with confidence.
What you get
The Family Mealtimes Mini Series is here too!
This 6 week short course is a snack version of the main membership. Everything is punchy and evidence based.
We run twice a year, in Term 1 and Term 3. The Mini Series is perfect for busy families who just need a top up.
What you get

Join the movement to help our kids become confident, adventurous eaters at school and at home
We are hearing stories from parents, health professionals and teachers:
Together we can create positive mealtime experiences for all parties involved. School Mealtimes is the advocacy arm of the Mealtimes offerings, aiming to create positive eating environments in all schools and early education settings.