9. Food freedom and ditching diets

Home » 9. Food freedom and ditching diets

** Content warning: This episode contains discussions of disordered eating and the restriction of food consumption. **

This week we’re chatting with Claire Gasper, a non-diet Dietitian and Health at Every Size Provider based in Perth, WA. We explore the intentions behind including all types of food in your household, Claire’s professional pathway to becoming an eating disorder specialist aiming to guide her clients to feeling trust, freedom and liberation around food, and so much more!

Listen in and discover:

  • The difference between nutritional value vs. moral value of foods
  • Unpacking eating disorder therapy and recovery processes
  • Claire’s childhood memories of family mealtimes and school lunches
  • An explanation of a scarcity mindset
  • Normalising and including all types of foods in the household
  • Claire’s professional pathway to becoming an eating disorder specialist
  • How we are all born as intuitive eaters
  • What mealtimes and meal planning look like in Claire’s household

Find Claire on Instagram or Facebook, or become a client at Diet-Free Me!

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