11. Life post Gestational Diabetes

Home » 11. Life post Gestational Diabetes

This week, I sat down with Accredited Practising Dietitian and Credentialed Diabetes Educator, Charlene Shoneye to discuss gestational diabetes. We chat about the misleading and sometimes harmful narratives around sugar, carbohydrates and diabetes, and Charlene shares some tips for reducing and managing your risk of developing diabetes. If you’re a parent who’s worried about feeding your child sugar, or you or someone you know has diabetes, this one's for you!

Listen in and discover:

  • What sparked Charlene’s passion to become a diabetes educator
  • My personal experience with gestational diabetes
  • The stereotypes and stigmas around a diabetes diagnosis
  • Understanding and lowering your risk of developing gestational diabetes
  • Filtering out the misinformation around sugar and carbohydrates
  • Our thoughts on continuous glucose monitoring
  • Is there any evidence based on the links between sugar and diabetes?
  • Charlene’s approach to discussing sugar with her children and having it in her home
  • Making informed choices if you are at risk of diabetes
  • Reducing the risks for you and your child if you have gestational diabetes

Find Charlene on Instagram @dr_charlene_dietitian.

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