12. Check on your friends with 3 year olds!

Home » 12. Check on your friends with 3 year olds!

Join me as I jump back into the world of parenting with Mandy Richardson from Raise Toddlers. In this episode, we explore the daily challenges of raising a 3-year-old, from managing those tricky moments to understanding the messages behind our children's reactions and behaviours. If you’re looking for ways to build stronger emotional connections or you’re just trying to figure out why your toddler insists on wearing 2 pairs of socks some mornings, this episode is packed with tips to help you through the whirlwind of toddlerhood.

Listen in and discover:

  • Are our responses helping or hindering in these tricky years?
  • Navigating the daily challenges with a 3 year old
  • Real-life examples straight from my household
  • Why different parts of the day can be so contrasting
  • Mandy’s experiences with parenting her children
  • Understanding what your child is trying to tell you through their reactions
  • How providing the space to allow emotions build closer connections
  • Using power-reversal play to shift gears in a challenging moment
  • Moving to or from heavy play to help your child to regulate their emotions

Find Mandy on Instagram at Raise Toddlers or via her website at www.raisetoddlers.com.au. Explore Mandy’s offerings and membership programs here.

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